By anne
November 20, 2024
It’s an old story with a modern twist. You fall in love with a classic beauty. You can hardly see for the stars in your eyes. Hardly hear anything but your pounding heart. You can’t believe she’s all yours! And then you move in together. And the romance ends. Which is where this story begins. We Portlanders love our heritage homes, and we should! They’re charming, well-built, exhibit fine craftsmanship, have lots of stories to tell, and they’re...old. Meaning that they often come with problems and they don’t have many of the modern conveniences that we’ve come to expect. So how do you update your aging beauty without sacrificing its classic charm? We talked with Anne De Wolf, Principal Designer of Arciform for over twenty-five years, about the joys, occasional frustrations, and creative challenges of bringing an older home up to contemporary standards of comfort and efficiency. The Chain Reaction Challenge Although this article is divided into neat headings about electrical, plumbing, and other categories, your old house is proof positive that we live in an interconnected world. Remodeling can often be like a game of Whack-a -Mole, where upgrading one thing involves several other things in a chain reaction. Adding a dormer may first necessitate a new foundation or structural work. Installing new ceiling lighting and fans in your bath may reveal asbestos insulation (asbestos wasn’t banned until 1989) in the attic, with a hefty $15,000 abatement price tag.