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In business since 1997, and with many residential remodeling projects under their belt, ARCIFORM is known for their expertise in historic preservation. How does a company like this grow and thrive? It starts with family. And by family we mean not only those related by blood or marriage, but also the strong bonds that form between people who care about each other. These kinds of connections are what makes a company strong, and this is what ARCIFORM strives for.
With creative direction by Snow B Designs, ARCIFORM recently filmed the “Inspired by the Family” video as part of their three part series: “Inspired by the Story,” “Inspired by the Family,”and “Inspired by the Neighborhood.” This video introduces viewers to the family as they prepare and enjoy a meal together – parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and the extended ARCIFORM family they’ve come to know over their two-year renovation.
Located in historic downtown Lake Oswego, this gorgeous bungalow was built in 1920. Using salvaged and antique materials when possible, ARCIFORM renovated this home to fit the needs of this young family. In close consultation with homeowners Gary and Melissa, ARCIFORM principal designer Anne De Wolf, Project Manager Adam Schoeffel, and Site Lead Jamie Whittaker, reconfigured living spaces and integrated architectural elements to match the original house.
Design Team Coordinator Marty Hegg explains how ARCIFORM helps families evaluate their changing needs: “We want them to consider if the proposed changes will suit their family over time, as we know that families grow and change. Will that nursery that we build now be adaptable as a guest bedroom once their children have left the nest? Do they have a first-floor bedroom with a bathroom that would suit grandpa in a few years? Should the stair balustrade be spaced more tightly so little Clementine doesn’t get her head stuck between bars? Marble floors in the bathroom are pretty, but are they too slick for kids or aging parents?” These are all important considerations; ARCIFORM is skilled at helping families anticipate what needs might arise in the future, even those they might never have considered themselves.
As one’s family changes, expands, shrinks, or ages, various considerations come into play. Perhaps when you bought your home, you didn’t yet have children, but now that you’re a family of five you’re finding your family needs more space. Or like many families, you may be caring for elderly parents who have difficulty navigating stairs, which may necessitate adding a ground-floor bedroom or wider walkways and larger bathrooms to accommodate wheelchairs or walkers. You may be at the other end of the life cycle yourself, where your nest is empty or nearly so, and starting to consider what your needs might be as you head into your retirement years in the next decade or two. Perhaps it’s time to turn that now-outgrown basement playroom into a space for a favorite hobby? Whatever stage of life you happen to be in, ARCIFORM can help meet your family’s changing needs.
Further reflecting on how ARCIFORM is “Inspired by the Family,” Project Manager Joe Hoffman says, “In our work here at Arciform, our craft is always informed by the family that will enjoy the project – be it an extended family or an individual and their pets. Knowing how the family lives and enjoys their space informs and inspires the creation. From the initial concept, through the process of construction, to celebrating the final results, understanding the family’s desires, needs and wishes are key to our success.”
At ARCIFORM, we draw inspiration from the families that we encounter every day in our work – both our ARCIFORM family and yours.
Oregon: CCB# 119917 | Washington: ARCIFL *910KJ