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No man is an island, John Donne famously wrote. No company is, either. Arciform works with many sub-contractors, product designers, and industry nonprofits to achieve stunning remodels and restorations. In this edition of Arcifiles, we introduce you to three dynamic people, each of whom contributes to the creative energy of the design-build community in their own unique way.
Jackie Kirouac-Fram, Ph.D.
Company: ReBuilding Center
Duration: 4 years
Role: Executive Director
Role at ReBuilding Center
Jackie Kirouac-Fram didn’t have a background in sustainability, materials, salvage, recycling, or “any of the things that you would think the Executive Director of the Rebuilding Center (RBC) would have.” What she brought was a lifelong career in the nonprofit sector. “The throughline has been economic justice and racial justice work.” For the RBC, which focuses on building community through economic justice and human and environmental resilience, it’s a perfect fit.
Getting Started
Hailing from Missouri, Jackie worked a myriad of nonprofit positions, the last as VP of Focus St. Louis, where she generated strategies to better serve women and minority leaders, as well as providing financial oversight. Attracted by Portland’s progressive atmosphere, she searched for positions here. “I was drawn to the ReBuilding Center because climate justice is racial justice, because there’s incredible potential for reuse and repair to support economic resilience, and because the organization is a physical manifestation of the redistributive goals of economic justice.”
Favorite Project(s)
RBC customers are primarily homeowners with limited budgets seeking affordable, salvaged materials, plus the coaching and education that RBC provides, and DIYers with a continual eye out for materials. Currently, remodelers and builders mainly donate materials. Now RBC is revising the physical store and creating an online presence to make it easier for people to find what they need. “We’re really going to start trying to find ways to work more cleanly with design firms, contractors, and architects so that they can better incorporate our materials.”
Proudest Accomplishment
Putting her social justice skills into play, Jackie is proud that she has helped the RBC focus on improving their materials and store while shifting their emphasis to how they use those materials and their skills-building classes to build community resilience. RBC now leverages their materials to strengthen affordable home ownership and retention by providing low-cost, free materials and repair classes that empower people to remain in their homes, mitigating displacement and keeping communities whole. “That’s the focus that we’re taking now, and it’s shaping how our store looks and what classes we offer, which is an exciting shift for the organization.”
Experience Working in the Local Design-build Field
Most materials come from remodelers, contractors, or DIY home remodelers who want to reduce waste and give things a second life. RBC doesn’t currently work with many remodeling or construction companies to source their materials. Arciform is an exception; while they do donate materials, for clients interested in reclaimed or salvaged building materials, fixtures, and finishes, they send them to RBC or go shopping with them. When the online store launches this summer, RBC hopes to reach out to more companies.
What She Wants You to Know
“I would love for readers to know that we are an awesome place to shop, and when they shop with us, their dollars are being used to support whole communities and home retention for people.”
How Do You See the Future of Remodeling and Building?
Jackie sees an increasing focus on sustainability, including creating buildings that are designed to be taken down and reused. “The EPA is working on regulations to encourage more use of reclaimed salvage materials in federal projects, which is very exciting.” There are plenty of salvageable materials and an incredible need for them in the community. “We just need to get them so that we can redistribute them, not just for low-income homeowners but for all sorts of people.”
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